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Making submissions easier for publishers and authors

Join us at this focused event for publishers to see what the new ChronosHub submission interface looks like and how it makes the process easier for everyone involved.

May 10, 2023 (Past Event)

Calling all publishers! 

Submissions can be time-consuming for authors as they have to enter metadata manually into various systems, and they often lack clarity on what additional charges might apply later. The same goes for publishers as they often have to manually check and correct data post-submission. But it doesn't have to be like that!  

The upgraded Submission UI on the ChronosHub platform proposes an easy way for publishers to let their authors submit a manuscript that also includes automated metadata extraction to save time, and price transparency and information about agreement eligibility, so that authors know what they’re getting themselves into at submission.  

At the same time, the interface verifies, corrects, and enriches submission data, thereby solving issues upstream and avoiding unnecessary manual work for publishers later in the process. Join us at this focused event for publishers to see what the new ChronosHub submission interface looks like, how it makes the process easier for everyone involved.  

Romy Beard, Head of Publisher Relations, will give you a quick overview and Christian Grubak, founder & Co-CEO, will talk about the technical implementation.Join us live, as this session won't be recorded or reach out to us for more information, if you can't make it. 

Please note that this event is only for publishers.


CEO at ChronosHub
Christian Grubak

Christian founded ChronosHub in 2017 to deliver innovative technology and business solutions to support the scientific and academic publishing community. 

Christian Grubak

Head of Publisher Relations at ChronosHub
Romy Beard

Romy is specialized in the academic online publishing industry, with a focus on publisher relations. And she’s one of our key experts in Open Access publishing terms. 

Romy Beard

Glossary Term Title