Come visit us at stand number 66 and learn more about our latest projects and initiatives from our four representatives: Head of Business Development, Martin Jagerhorn, Head of Publisher Relations, Romy Beard, Head of Communication & Marketing, Vivi Billesø and Digital Marketeer, Ariana Krasniqi.
Institutions and publishers have been signing read & publish agreements for some time now, intending to combine the cost of reading and the cost of publishing under one agreement. However, the user experience for both is still treated as two separate journeys. Traditionally, readers access a publisher’s paywalled content through their university’s IP range or by logging into their university’s intranet. On the other hand, authors submitting to a publisher’s journals must create a login on the publisher’s submission system. This presents challenges for publishers trying to deliver a unified experience across the research lifecycle – their understanding of user needs is broken up across internal systems, with no easy way to build a more complete picture. Users on the other hand face additional friction and effort when interacting with that publisher’s systems.
In this breakout session, we will discuss what a more unified, ‘read & publish’ user experience could look like by allowing authors to use the same login with a publisher to read their paywalled content and publish in a publisher’s journals. The session will include the presentation of an example of such a unified author experience and how publishers can provide better support to their users. It will also include a discussion of possible challenges as well as any implications for publishers and libraries.
Romy is specialized in the academic online publishing industry, with a focus on publisher relations. And she’s one of our key experts in Open Access publishing terms.
Martin leads our collaboration with institutions, publishers, research funders, and technology partners across the ecosystem engaged in scientific and academic publishing.
Vivi has extensive knowledge of building brands and online presence covering all steps, from when content is produced until it’s published, managed, and turned into great insights.