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ChronosHub Helps Danish Universities Reach National Open Access Goal

From 2025 onward, there should be free public digital access to all peer-reviewed scientific articles from Danish research institutions – with a maximum 12-month embargo. The latest numbers released by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science show that year by year, the universities are getting closer to reach this goal. And new collaborations with ChronosHub will only accelerate the progress further.

Event duration October 14, 2021
Event location Copenhagen

Danish researchers have increased the number of scientific articles published in Open Access (OA) journals. According to the ministry’s fifth Open Access Indicator measurement, the number has increased eight percent – from 44 to 52 percent in a year. Only three universities have fully fulfilled this year’s target in the National Strategy for Open Access of 54 percent: Technical University of Denmark, University of Southern Denmark, and IT University of Copenhagen. But earlier this year, other institutions like the University of Copenhagen took action and joined forces with ChronosHub in a collaborative pilot project to ensure OA compliance and thereby increase their proportion of published Open Access articles.

Identify Open Access Journals Easily

The National Strategy for Open Access is primarily focused on Green Open Access, an OA type referring to publication in a subscription-based journal with the right to make the final accepted version of the author’s manuscript publicly available in a digital repository, potentially following an embargo period as set by the journal. ChronosHub’s Journal Finder tool enables researchers to easily identify journals that are compliant with institutional agreements, funders’ OA publishing requirements as well as the national strategy.

APC and Compliance Management

Joining ChronosHub and outsourcing compliance management and article processing charge (APC) payments can reduce the overall publishing costs for institutions. Non-compliance with funders’ policies increasingly lead to penalties for the institutions and the ChronosHub Journal Finder can be used to drive publishing toward Green OA, which are free of any APCs. Also, instead of spending valuable time on different publishers’ OA dashboards to figure out what APCs to pay, ChronosHub consolidates the information from all publishers for approvals in one single place. The ChronosHub API can also be used to auto-populate institutional repositories, finance systems, ConsortiaManager, and many more, offloading administrative burdens for researchers and administrators.



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