Do you think that charges associated with OA publishing are currently being managed across stakeholder groups in a transparent and trustworthy way?
That's one of the questions we asked ourselves before we embarked on a journey to learn more about the OA Management landscape.
In collaboration with MoreBrains, we developed a survey to create a shared understanding of how the transition to Open Access takes place ─ all in support of institutions, publishers, and funders. We wanted to explore patterns of high-level trends and identify topics for community development.
Thankfully, we received a wide range of responses. So, we wrote a paper! It was reviewed by other experts within the OA space, and now we're ready to share the results with the community and discuss it all in a one-hour webinar together with the reviewers.
Download the paper "Why is managing OA so painful?”
Josh Brown, MoreBrains
Fiona McMurphy, MoreBrains
Marianne Knudsen, ChronosHub
Martin Jagerhorn, ChronosHub