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Upload manuscript

Authors upload their manuscript, cover letter and additional files. Our AI robot extracts metadata, and our platform verifies it.

Metadata extraction

The platform presents the basic metadata first – manuscript title, abstract, conflict of interest, and keywords. Successfully populated fields are marked in green and can be edited.

The author needs to select the manuscript type, which triggers the information on open access publishing options.


Author roles – extracted & verified​

All author related metadata is extracted from the manuscript and presented in the order the authors are found in, with author roles assigned. 

Email addresses, ORCIDs, and institutional affiliations are marked as verified if they are in the right format or match a known identifier like ROR, Ringgold, Open Alex, ORCID, etc. 

Marking information as unverified incentivizes the author to address the issue and update information to increase accuracy.

OA publishing information

The open access publishing information is triggered by the selection of the article type.  

If no agreement, waiver or discount is available, the list price Article Processing Charge is displayed. If the corresponding author’s affiliation triggers a waiver or discount, this is displayed. 

The assessment of agreement or discount eligibility is made based on the affiliation of the corresponding author. The platform also supports the assessment based on any author, acceptance dates, or submission date; publishers can manage this in our agreement management tool. 

Updating information

Authors can easily make changes to any of the extracted metadata, including their affiliations​. We don't stop anyone from submitting but we will warn them if there's a discrepancy between the metadata and what is found in the manuscript.  

Changes in corresponding author designation or affiliation lead to the OA publishing information being updated immediately.

Funding information – extracted & verified​

The funding acknowledgement is extracted from the manuscript, and the funder is checked against the ChronosHub funder database and the PlanS Journal Checker Tool. If there is a match, the funder is marked as verified. 

For verified funders, the platform confirms compliance or lack of compliance.  

If the author’s grant is already imported in the ChronosHub platform, we'll also flag that the grant has been verified.   

Unverified funders are clearly marked to incentivize the authors to do a manual search for their funder to try and find a match and are warned to be cautious before proceeding.

Ready to submit?

Authors can now save as a draft or submit.  

If any information is missing, the author is taken back to the relevant section which is marked in red.  

Once submitted, the metadata is transformed into the data required by the receiving peer review system and transferred along with the manuscript. 


Glossary Term Title