From Research to Publication: A Researcher’s Guide to Open Access
Maybe you’re brand new to the publishing process, maybe you’re not. But we can all agree that the world of academic publishing is becoming increasingly complex.
We invite you to join us for an engaging series of webinars where we put the researcher in the spotlight. During the sessions, we’ll do 360-degree deep dives into the concept of Open Access and address all types of OA questions and concerns to help you, as a researcher, feel more educated, inspired, and confident in navigating the world of Open Access.
Download the presentation slides from the webinar here.
Open Access brings along many exciting opportunities to share and disseminate scholarly knowledge more widely in the publishing community – but it doesn’t come without a cost.
Thursday, March 31, we launched our second webinar in our researcher-centric webinar series. The topic was ‘article processing charges’, more commonly known as APCs – the most common upfront fee that’s typically charged to authors to allow them to have their work made freely and instantly accessible on a publisher’s website! For researchers, it’s not always easy to make heads or tails of it, so we devoted this webinar to going truly into depth with what an APC is and everything it entails.
Publisher Relations & Business Development Manager, Romy Beard, and Customer Care Specialist & Researcher, Laura Davidson guided us from start to finish. As the webinar proceeded, the hosts looked into fundamental aspects such as what an APC actually covers, how much an APC can cost relative to different publishers, and the different routes to getting the APC paid, including discounts and waivers.
We touched upon the concept of double-dipping, editorial acceptance decisions, guided Open Access, predatory journals, and covered some frequently asked questions about APCs received at the Customer Care Team at ChronosHub. Naturally, we also looked into the role of APCs in the eyes of both an institution and a funder.
If you’re curious to learn more about the role of funders and funder requirements in the OA landscape, make sure you don’t miss out on our third webinar in line, ‘How Does Open Access Fit with Funder Requirements?’. The webinar takes place on April 21 at 3 p.m. CET. Sign up here!
In the meantime, if you haven’t done so yet, go check out the full recording of this webinar above and hear all the key insights about APCs.
For the second session in this webinar series, you can look forward to becoming a full expert on one of the central components in OA publishing: Article processing charges (APCs).
Because what exactly does an APC cover? And who'll pay it?
No need to worry. We'll guide you through all you need to know about APCs.
Publisher Relations & Business Development Manager, Romy Beard, will be joining us along with Customer Care Specialist & Researcher, Laura Davidson, who'll put their heads together and discuss APCs from a to z.
The session will start with a fundamental in-depth look into APCs in relation to the different OA/subscription models. We will share insights into handling APCs, and we’ll hear from the researcher's perspective on how to deal with APCs.
As always, we’ll be sure to include a talk about where you can go to find resources that can help you when dealing with APCs on your publishing journey.