From Research to Publication: A Researcher’s Guide to Open Access
Maybe you’re brand new to the publishing process, maybe you’re not. But we can all agree that the world of academic publishing is becoming increasingly complex.
We invite you to join us for an engaging series of webinars where we put the researcher in the spotlight. During the sessions, we’ll do 360-degree deep dives into the concept of Open Access and address all types of OA questions and concerns to help you, as a researcher, feel more educated, inspired, and confident in navigating the world of Open Access.
Download the presentation slides from the webinar here.
Last Thursday, we kicked off the first webinar in our new webinar series – a series tailored specifically to give researchers true a-z insights into the world of Open Access!
Of course, you must walk before you can run. So, for our first webinar, we wanted to give our audience a chance to familiarize with the concept of Open Access and the aspects that are essential to understand what it’s all about.
Publisher Relations & Business Development Manager, Romy Beard, and Customer Care Specialist and researcher, Laura Davidson from ChronosHub, took the lead in this webinar, guiding the audience through an educational and interactive session with polls and questions from engaging viewers.
Among various aspects, the webinar touched upon the different versions of research papers, what it means to publish Open Access as opposed to Closed Access and the concept of “archiving” as an alternative option to Open Access. We looked into different OA journal types, common publishing routes, predatory journals, and the different OA licenses.
Naturally, one of the central questions in this webinar was about the reasons for publishing OA. One is mandate, Romy Beard pointed out. You might be subject to your funder's requirements, the requirements of an institutional policy, or of a national strategy. Another reason is choice, meaning that the author simply wants to. Publishing OA can offer more engagement and citations, greater exposure, wider readership of articles, and, ultimately, wider impact.
Have a look at the recording of the webinar above to get the full overview of what Open Access entails and hear our two speakers give their inputs on some of the most common OA questions received from researchers by our The Customer Care Team at ChronosHub. You might just find all the answers you’re looking for!
And the best part? We’ve only just begun. The next webinar in line is “What’s Up with APCs and How Do I Deal with Them?” taking place March 31 at 3 p.m. CET. Go sign up here!
Open Access (OA) is transforming the research landscape, and with various administrative tasks such as managing compliance, checking payment eligibility, investigating agreements, and reporting, no wonder it can be difficult for researchers to navigate it all!
Join us as we kick off our first out of four webinars in our new series. We’ll start at the very beginning by looking into the basics of Open Access – because what exactly is Open Access, and what does it mean for the publishing journey? During this session, we’ll also dig into the different OA and journal types, talk about national OA strategies, and help you locate the right resources that can assist you on your OA publishing journey.
Scroll down to sign up for the whole series, or just for the sessions that are interesting to you.