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ChronosHub Webinars in 2022

It's a wrap! Take a look at our numbers, watch any of the webinars you missed, read our insightful blogposts, or get in touch with us to participate in our upcoming webinars.

Event duration March 16, 2023






November 11, 2021
2022 Blogs

Webinar – OA challenges & solutions for publishers, funders, and institutions

In celebration of OA week 2021, ChronosHub hosted an engaging talk that included panel members, Sybille Geisenheyner from American Chemical Society, Tom Jakobs from Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), Dr. Micaela Crespo Quesada from University of Lausanne, and Christian Grubak from ChronosHub – all contributing with valuable insights into the commonalities and differences that exist between funders, institutions, and publishers. 
May 4, 2022
2022 Blogs

Article Submission and Open Access: Effects for Publishers, Institutions, and Submission System Providers

In April, we unpacked this topic in this webinar, where we discussed the effect of OA on institutions, publishers, and submission system providers. The panel consisted of Matthew Goddard, Head & E-Resources Librarian at Iowa State University, Kate Horgan, Director of Client Services at Aries Systems, and Matthew Day, Head of Open Research Policy & Partnerships at Cambridge University Press. Perhaps common challenges related to institutional affiliation and author roles are determined at submission.

Contact us

Head of Publisher Relations at ChronosHub
Romy Beard

Romy is specialized in the academic online publishing industry, with a focus on publisher relations. And she’s one of our key experts in Open Access publishing terms. 

Romy Beard

Head of Communication & Marketing at ChronosHub
Vivi Billesø

Vivi has extensive knowledge of building brands and online presence covering all steps, from when content is produced until it’s published, managed, and turned into great insights. 

Vivi Billesø

Glossary Term Title